Sunday, 13 November 2011

Taxonomy is an important element for learning application. It is the organization of a particular set of information for a particular purpose. was explains the meaning of taxonomy by giving the meaning of the word from its root word, ‘taxis’ and ‘nomos’ where taxis in Greek means arrangement or division  and nomos means law. In theory, the development of good taxonomy takes into account the importance of separating of a group(taxon) into subgroup(taxa). The goal of the taxonomy for e-sirah in this thesis is to develope a useful list of top-level categories where the emphasis more on providing a structure that help in generating a larger sets of story of the prophet than creating a smaller set of top-level mutually exclusive taxonomy. In practice, a good taxonomy should be simple, easy to remember and easy to use.

Taxonomy is similar to that developed by Laurillard(1993) and the task type was classified into six area which is :
·         Assimilative task (essentially passive in nature such as reading, viewing or listening).
·         Information handling(such as getting students to gather and classify resources from the web or manipulate data in a spreadsheet).
·         Adaptive(where students are engaged in using modelling or simulation software).
·         Communicative(in term of engaging in a range of dialogic activities, suach as pair dialogue group-based duscussion).
·         Productive(where the students actively construct an artefact such as a written essay, production of a new chemical compound or creation of a sculpture).
·         Experiential(suach as practising skills in a particular context or undertaking an investigation).


Currently, there are no portal that applying taxonomy for story of prophet.

1.3   AIM

To produced a standard of hierarchical structure for e-sirah and can help parents or children in searching the story of the prophet. 


1.    To identify the requirements of taxonomy.
2.    To analyze the requirements of taxonomy.
3.    To validate the requirements of taxonomy.


The scope of this project will be focus on the designing the e-sirah with applying the taxonomy. The main users of this system is parents who are responsible to give story telling to their children. This project only focus at the hierarchical of structure in e-sirah where that the story is group based on name or places or anything.

By applying the taxonomy for e-sirah, all users will better understanding the arrangement of story of prophet. This system will ensure faster processing of searching.

For the parents
Parents can search by give a keyword for the story that they wants. All the story will be group by the places.

For the children
Children that cannot read properly, they can search the story based on the emoticon.

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